Is also the colour you go when you're cold or unconcious.
It's like a song or sad feeling when you got the blues.
Blue is the sky on a scorching hot day in summer
Blue is the colour of some jeans.
Blue is a popular colour
Blue is the colour of paint
It can also be the colour of a marker
or the colour of a pen.
Blue is my favorite colour
It is also the colour of some gum.
This is why I like blue.
sung by Diamond Rio Skip Ewing/Donny Kees
Every now and then soft as breath upon my skin I
feel you come back again And it's like you haven't been gone a moment from my side Like the tears were never cried Like
the hands of time are holding you and me And with all my heart I'm sure we're closer than we ever were I don't have
to hear or see; I've got all the proof I need There are more than angels watching over me I believe, I believe
Chorus That
when you die your life goes on It doesn't end here when you're gone Every soul is filled with light It never ends
and if I'm right Our love can even reach across eternity I believe, I believe
Forever, you're a part of me Forever,
in the heart of me And I'll hold you even longer if I can The people who don't see the most Say that I believe in
ghosts And if that makes me crazy, then I am 'Cause I believe
There are more than angels watching over me I
believe, I believe
The waves are rippling and constantly moving.
Sometimes it's frozen and smoother than a table.
On windy days the waves are fierce and can capsize a boat.
Blowing gently through their blow holes
Gracefully moving through the water
Leaping out of the peaceful ocean.
Manting and having osprey
Enjoy it while you can.
They won't be here for much longer.
Don't Mourn For Me
Mother, please don't mourn for me;
I'm still here, though you don't see. I'm right by your side, each night and day and within your heart
I long to stay. My body is gone but I'm always near.
I'm everything you feel, see or hear.
My spirit is free, but I'll never depart as long as you keep me alive in your heart. I'll never
wander out of your sight--
I'm the brightest star on a summer night.
I'll never be beyond your reach-- I'm the warm moist sand when you're at the beach. I'm the colorful
leaves when fall comes around, And the pure white snow that blankets the ground. I'm the beautiful flowers of which
you're so fond-- The clear cool water in a quiet pond. I'm the first bright blossom you'll see in the spring; the
first warm raindrop that April will bring. I'm the first ray of light when the sun starts to shine, and you'll see that
the face in the moon is mine. When you start thinking there's no one to love you, you can talk to me through the Lord
above you. I'll whisper my answer through the leaves on the trees, and you'll feel my presence in the soft summer breeze.
I'm the hot salty tears that flow when you weep and the beautiful dreams that come while you sleep. I'm the smile
you see on baby's face.
Just look for me, Mommy, I'm everyplace!
(Author unknown)
The Ache We Hold Inside
When these children we loved are taken, And the years pass slowly by, You feel the grieving is over. But the
ache is still inside.
This life of ours must continue And the tears we must learn to hide, But you know it will
never leave you, This ache we feel inside.
Their siblings go on with their future, And you know this is how it
should be. You share in their joys and sorrows, But that ache won't let you free, Where they rest, you visit less
often, And their voices are not as clear, And our zest for life is returning, But the ache is always near,
friends and families tell us, How well we handled our grief, If they only knew deep within us, From this ache there
is no relief, When alone we talk to them often, For we know they are still by our side, And the warmth of our memories
comfort, But the ache will always abide,
As we continue this earthly voyage, And the calm and the storms pass
by, We will cherish our precious memories, And this ache we hold inside.
- NEVER! Friends may think we have forgotten When at times they see us smile. Little do they know the heartaches That
our smiles hide all the while.
Beautiful memories are wonderful things. That last till the longest day. They
never wear out. They never get lost and can never be given away.
To some you may forgotten. To others apart
of the past. But to those who loved and lost you... Your memory will always last.
Author Unknown
When I wake up in the morning I ask myself How will I get through this day Without You
As I dress and
prepare to start my day I wonder How will I go on Without You
As the day slowly slips away I remember how
you made me laugh And I smile Without You
At the end of the day As I prepare to close my eyes I know in
my HEART I couldn't have gotten through the day WITHOUT YOU