Derek Dyson Memorial Award for Excellence in Marketing
In 2000, Derek received the Grade 12 District Scholarship Award
- presented for Excellence. He completed the C. P. Program in Marketing. Derek was pursuing his career in the Marketing
field and was moving up the ladder in the company, having become an assistant manager in the Saskatoon Office. Derek was
working to form his own company, which he wanted to call 'Viper Advertising'. This dream was about to become a reality, and
he had hoped to move to Kelowna, BC. His dream was cut short. This Award has been established by his Mom and his Sister
as a way of continuing Derek's dreams by contributing to the potential of a worthy Marketing student.
this award is given to a student who best:
a. shows great promise, initiative, conscientious attitude, strong
work ethic, and potential for success. b. is actively involved in class, and shows leadership in Marketing "team activities." c.
has high achievement and demonstrates leadership in an extracurricular endeavor, preferably in athletics or the performing
arts (Drama). d. is involved in a balance of community, school, and work activities. e. has enthusiasm, a special ability
to get along with people, and is well accepted by peers and staff
The amount of this Award will be $250 - to be repeated yearly
For D.S.S. students
